How to start a business in Africa with no Money
How to start a business in Africa with no Money
Mariam Abdullah
Mariam Abdullah
January 11, 2021
4 min

In a perfect world, we would all have unlimited capital to fund our dream businesses, never having to worry about money. Unfortunately, that is not reality. Most of us have to be a little creative in finding the money needed to start a business. The good news is that it’s possible to start a small business with very little financial investment. But before you read any further, take a minute to make sure you qualify your business idea to confirm that it’s worthy of your time and attention. Coming up with a business idea and starting a business can seem overwhelming and complicated. There are so many things you have to consider from coming up with an excellent idea for starting a company, all the way to business planning, fundraising, and much more. To start a business with no money, you need to choose the right business. A brilliant strategy is to build clientele while keeping your day job, then gradually shift more focus to the new business as it grows.

How to Start a Business With No Money

So how do you start a business with no money? Don’t let the lack of funds be the reason you don’t move forward with your entrepreneurial dreams. Once you have a clear vision and confidence in your idea, you can work on finding the money to get started.

You can start a business with little or no money, but it’s not the same as starting without resources. In fact, the more resources you have, the less money you will need.

By resources we can mention some such as intelligence, imagination, social circle, experience, studies and knowledge. The time available, the ability to connect seemingly unconnected points, the ability to see opportunities where no one else finds them, artistic and physical skills, intellectual skills, health and so on.

There are also many business ideas that require little to no startup capital. However, you’ll probably still need to cover some expenses. Below are some ways you can start building cash flow in order to get your business off the ground.

Vet Your Business Idea

If you’re starting a business on the cheap, chances are you see yourself eventually putting money into your idea, even if you’re just going to reinvest the proceeds. Before putting money in your business, make sure you validate the idea within your trusted circle. Sometimes, we think we think our idea is great, but when we explain it to others we often realize that the concept may be hard to sell.

Start with what you have

At the outset of looking to start a new business take stock of what you have at your disposal. Consider your:

  • Skills–what can you do?
  • Experience–what have you done in the past?
  • Knowledge–what do you know?
  • Tangible resources—what do you own and what do you have access to?

I recommend that you consider your responses to these questions. Go beyond what comes to mind immediately and think a little more deeply about what you have at your disposal. In this process, be sure to write your responses to these questions.

Consider who you know

What you have combined with who you know for it to have actual power. Take stock of the relationships you have with others, map out your network of connections, and consider how your connections could enable you to use what you have more effectively. The alternative means of venture creation advocates “stitching together partnerships to create new markets.” Relationships, particularly equity partnerships, drive the shape and trajectory of the new venture.

Start small by thinking big

When starting a business there is no money to reach. The more you have, the more you spend, so keep it as simple as possible, adapting your business model to avoid as much fixed costs as possible (avoid unnecessary rents, salaries and services). Make the internet your store, your school, your marketing center, your means of contact, everything. Make a list of the things that will be essential for your business and another of the things that you could get for free, do them on your own or exchange them with others who have what you want and who want what you can contribute.

Be willing to put in the hours

Hard work is necessary for any business to take off. However, it is even more necessary for those businesses which do not have the capital to invest in hiring a team. This means the owner of the business has to handle all the operations, right from marketing to product development, to make his/her business a success.

Sales and change

Start with your natural market, all the people you know, family, friends, former coworkers, etc. Send a WhatsApp to every one contact in your agenda to offer your product or service, make your first sale and don’t forget to ask for feedback on the service and quality of what you offer. In this way, you can start making the corresponding adjustments.

Keep Your Day Job

While having a big idea and going for it may be great, being practical pays the bills. Don’t quit your day job with stars in your eyes and throw yourself into growing an untested business. Believe it or not, keeping your day job will make it more likely you’ll succeed.

Get Creative with Funding Options

You don’t have to have all of your start-up capital in your pocket, nor do you have to fund your business with only one source of money. Some funding sources may include:

  • Small business loans
  • Small business grants
  • Friends and family
  • Personal savings

Final Thoughts

Will you make a lot of mistakes? Of course (and more than you think). Every one of your steps is corrected and you will need to take others that have not even crossed your mind. But don’t worry, it’s natural. Just adjust and keep moving


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Mariam Abdullah

Mariam Abdullah

Content Writer

Table Of Contents


How to Start a Business With No Money


Vet Your Business Idea


Start with what you have


Consider who you know


Start small by thinking big


Be willing to put in the hours


Sales and change


Keep Your Day Job


Get Creative with Funding Options


Final Thoughts

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